Media Coverage


- 2021-03-23 National Science Foundation announces that Caroline Larkin is one of the Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Awardees!!

Disability and Technology

- 2019-11-19 Emily Ackerman penned an Op-ed for Citylab about the necessity of involving disabled people in the creation of new technology and AI.
- 2019-11-1 The Pittsburgh Post Gazette issues an editorial in support of the call for dialogue about disability and technology.
- 2019-10-22 WESA covers news story of Emily Ackerman's run in with a food delivery robot and its implications for accessibility.

HHMI Gilliam Award

- 2018-08-29 PittWire congratulates Emily Ackerman and Jason Shoemaker on receiving the Gilliam Award
- 2018-07-26 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Announces that Emily Ackerman is 1 of 45 individuals to receive the $150,000 Gilliam Award

Virtual Reality Education Work

- 2017-10-04 The Pittsburgh Post Gazette covers our work on virtual reality education.